Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Will someone please tell me I'm not a bad mommy for taking drugs and giving up on natural remedies?

I have been fighting a nasty thrush infection since C.S. was about a week old. It happened when D was a newborn too so I should have been better prepared for it but naively assumed that having done this once before and checking out some breastfeeding websites was enough to prevent it. I have been trying to fight it with natural remedies, but I am officially throwing in the towel and taking the high powered pharmaceuticals. I am tired of having shooting pains after every feed and curling my toes at the start.  I had an appointment with a lactation consultant today and it so so nice to see a medical professional who not only supports breastfeeding, but is also up to date on current knowledge. (There was a totally pointless appointment with the doctor covering for my GP last week.) The LC supported the natural remedies I was using and prescribed the medication I knew I should be getting. I just hope these drugs work so I can stop crying about my boobs and save the tears for my real issues.


Jeanette said...

You are so very definately not a bad mother. thrush is horrible, and honestly those drugs are often very necessary. Hope they kick in quickly and feeding becomes a breeze for you. x

Violet1122 said...

Nothing wrong at all with helping you to heal! The "big stuff" exists for a reason - I hope you feel better soon!

Merry said...

Not bad at all. Nipple thrush hideous and kills breast feeding for lots of people. Meds are just meds, far worse to have feeding destroyed.

Jessica said...

You are in NO WAY a bad mother! It's best for you to get better :) So if the medication helps then that's great! I hope you get better VERY soon!

leslie(cullensblessings) said...

Honey when it gets that bad you HAVE to take the rx meds. It can get comepletely out of control otherwise. Look at it this way- you tried the natural route, but when it failed you moved on to modern meds. There is NOTHING to be ashamed of in that. xo