Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I want to punch someone

" This pregnancy thing is a breeze... "

This is a direct quote from a fb status of one of my SIL's best friends. She has serious health issues that could make her pregnancy high-risk and she knows about Reid and has other friends who are infertile, yet she is posting crap like this. It just makes me so angry to see things like this, even as I sit nursing my beautiful daughter. Pregnancy is not a breeze, it's hard work physically, emotionally, mentally. It's a freaking endurance test that exhausts and terrifies incredibly strong women. It's the exact opposite of a breeze, it's a tornado of emotional and/or physical challenges and I just want to punch anyone who thinks differently.


Lj82 said...

I hate the smugness. Barf. So glad it can be so easy for some people... bah.

Violet1122 said...

I HATE it when people say stuff like this. I hate it even more when they are ignoring medical advice and taking unnecessary risks. I have a family member who does some risky stuff and it makes me crazy.

Catherine W said...

Infuriating. And a lie too. Pregnancy is a crapshoot, you've just got to hope that it all goes well and you just never, ever know.

Ava's mummy said...

Another one feeling compelled to punch her too. Agh, what is with some people?