Monday, April 25, 2011

Survived Easter weekend, but only just barely. D.G. had today off (yes he has a union job) so it was still Easter weekend for us. I did however get a break in the middle of the weekend, when D.G. took D on a day trip to his aunt and uncle's farm to see his sister. I had almost 12 hours completely to myself which hasn't happened in probably the last 4 years. (D.G. has never taken D further away than to the swimming pool for a couple hours on his own.) I watched TV non-stop, ate junk food and even finally sewed myself a new yoga mat bag. Being by myself is just so peaceful, and being alone without a giant to do list is even better. Of course all that peacefulness was wrecked by the arrival of AF Saturday evening. (And now I should ovulate right on Mother's Day when I will no doubt be sexy as hell with my puffy red eyes and snotty nose.)

D.G. and I finished off the weekend tonight with a long, upsetting, emotional and ultimately pointless discussion, although we did avoid an outright fight. The only thing that was accomplished was that I feel more isolated and loser-y than I did this afternoon when I was feeling sad and lonely but could still stop myself from outright crying in public. (Yes, loser-y is a word, I've been using it since 1998.)


Missy said...

I am glad you got some time to yourself and sorry the chat tonight did not go well. Sending love and hope for a peaceful and physical mother's day ov~

Merry said...

Oh Cara :( I am sorry :(