Saturday, September 7, 2013

52 Weeks: Week 35

Almost caught up now!

Week 35 was a busy week. We drove to the city were D.G. and I lived right after I finished university and D.G. flew there to join us for the rest of our "vacation". We spent the beginning of the week with my AMAZING friend G and her family. All the kids were very happy together and that left us plenty of time to go a little crazy in the kitchen. Pie, Eggs Benedict and perogies were all all made from scratch, including the english muffins. We also took the kids to the spray park and did some shopping too. It was definitely the happiest park of the vacation for me.

We also did one touristy type thing and took out girls to the stadium (and merchandise store) where our favorite football team plays.

The second half of the week was spent in D.G.'s home town for his sister's wedding. The AMAZING G and her husband let us trade my Mazda for their truck and RV for 4 days so we could camp out instead of cramming into a hotel room. Of course the best part of camping is eating cereal that mom would never left you have at home and eating it outside.

There was lots of work to prepare for the wedding and I am so glad did not exist 12 years ago. My SIL is not a "girly girl" but the thanks to pinning, it was crafty wedding craziness. I ended up hemming all the groomsmen's pants (4 pairs) the day before the wedding.

D was the unofficial flower girl and did a great with her sign despite the wind and some very scratchy grass. She was allowed to wear her runners and socks instead of sandals which made her very happy. Of course the sign blocks the cute sweater and sash I made to go with her dress. (And no, there weren't 2 brides at the wedding, D started calling the groom "Auntie B___" a few years ago and it stuck.)

And just so you can see how cute C.S. was in her fancy dress, here she is dancing with her daddy at the reception.

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