Sunday, April 28, 2013

52 Weeks : Week Seventeen

 Week Seventeen has been officially declared the "It's finally spring" week. I apologize for all the repeats from insta-crack (I'm so addicted) but it was so exciting to finally have warmer weather and melting snow.

After hacking away at the snow/ice on our patio all week, the BBQ made it's 2013 debut on Thursday. (Unlike last winter when we BBQ'd in December and January.) And yes, shoveling snow from piles that aren't melting into areas that get lots of sun is something that we do here in the great frozen north in order to help Mother Nature make spring start as soon as possible.

Look, flowers, growing outside, in the only semi-frozen ground!

There are two things that make me happy here:
1) C.S. enjoying herself outside, without winter clothing. She wants to be outside ALL the time.
2) My clothes line is set up! I have a strange obsession with line-drying all my laundry and I have already tried 2 loads of laundry out there.

(Please ignore the nasty looking grass, D.G. had to work on taking the winter tires off my vehicle instead of raking the yard this afternoon. )

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